Free 777 Editor 1.0
Without runtime files
About 400 K
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There are two versions below. If you have never used this program before I recommend getting the larger version to insure you get all the necessary files. If you have a previous version of the program working on your machine you Do Not need to download the larger version that has the runtime files included. Please note that dispite the name of Free 777 Editor it will work for the PMDG 757 also.
The Free 777 Editor provides an easy way to design SIDS and STARs for the PMDG 777 and 757 for Fly II. Through the use of 'fill in the blank' forms you will be able to make new STARS and SIDS and modify others as well. There is no need to know the STAR or SID file formats or even know where they are stored.

Add, modify or delete waypoints.

Rearrange waypoint order.

Create a waypoint based on a direction and distance from a Navaid.

Create a waypoint based on a Latitude/Longitude.

Add hard or floating altitude restrictions to waypoints.

Add Intercepts to or from a Navaid or Fix based on a heading.

Add an intercept based on reaching an altitude at current heading.

Add an intercept based on reaching an altitude and a distance from a Navaid or Fix.

Add a series of waypoints to form a feeder route from the end of a STAR to the FAF. Each runway can have more than one feeder.

ARCs are easily created within a feeder route by selecting a Fly II Navaid as the ARC's centerpoint and then specifying start/stop radials and a radius. You even have an option to include a turn-in waypoint so the aircraft will turn towards the ARC's Navaid upon reaching the end of the ARC.

To eliminate some trial and error work the editor checks to see if a Navaid or Intersection is in the Fly II database and will alert you if it is not.

If a Navaid or intersection you want to use is in the Fly II database it also checks to insure that the Navaid or intersection coordinates (Lat/Long) are within 200 miles from the last waypoint. This insures legs are not automatically made that are thousands of miles long because a Navaid of the same name was on the other side of the globe.

Automatically saves user defined fixes in a database so they can be used in other terminal procedures.

Automatically saves the SID or STAR to the appropriate PMDG 777 folder.

Free 777 Editor 1.0
With runtime files
About 2.4 Meg
In addition to one of the above files you will need to download this next file also. It contains Navaid data for Free 777 Editor. If you have downloaded this file before you Do Not need to download it again.
Fly Nav Data
About 900 K
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