The Free PIC Editor provides an easy way to design SIDS, STARs and IAPs for 767 Pilot in Command. Through the use of 'fill in the blank' forms you will be able to make new STARS, SIDS and IAPs and modify others as well. There is no need to know the STAR, SID or IAP file formats or even know where they are stored.

Add, modify or delete waypoints

Rearrange waypoint order

Create a waypoint based on a direction and distance from a
Navaid, a Fix or an Airport

Create a waypoint based on a Latitude/Longitude

Create an ARC whose center point is a Navaid or a Fix

Designate ARC radius, starting radial and ending radial

Add an altitude restriction to a waypoint
-- No restriction
-- At
-- At or Below
-- At or Above
-- At or Below and At or Above

Add an airspeed restriction to a waypoint

Automatically add Fix, Navaid or Airport Latitude/Longitude with a lookup table

Automatically adds Navaid frequencies

Uses the 767 PIC database which allows for AIRAC updates

Automatically saves the SID, STAR or IAP to the appropriate 767 PIC folder
There are two versions below. If you have never used this program before I recommend getting the larger version to insure you get all the necessary files. If you have a previous version of the program working on your machine you Do Not need to download the larger version that has the runtime files included.
Free PIC Editor 2.35
Without runtime files
About 200 K
Free PIC Editor 2.35
With runtime files
About 2.4 Megs
Some people have had problems with the output being incorrectly formatted or getting "Run time error 13: Type mismatch". In all those cases the problems have been caused by the regional settings of the windows OS. This causes a problem for those that use a comma instead of a period for the decimal separator (123,45 verses 123.45). The cure has been to reset the computer to English (United States) in the regional settings of the control panel and then use a period for the decimal separator. You will then need to use those regional settings whenever using my program and possibly reset them back to your country when finished. However, some users report they just leave the regional settings set to English because it does not cause them a problem. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will update the program if I find out how to automatically set international settings.
Thanks for stopping by. Please report bugs, suggestions and kudos to me at I hope that you find this editor useful.
Select another destination
27 June 2002. Version 2.35. My compiler seems to have retrograded back in time to introduce a bug I squashed before. The single altitude restriction was being printed in the wrong data field. This update corrects that. Let me know if I broke something else!