This SID/STAR Converter provides an easy way to convert 767 Pilot in Command SIDs and STARs into the format understood by the PMDG FS02/FS04 737NG and Fly 757/777 FMCs. Simply tell the program where the 767 PIC files are, where to put the converted files and the program does the rest.
1. To save hard drive space and decrease the PMDG FMC load times the converter can convert only the ICAO codes you will use. The conversion selection is based on the first letter of the ICAO code which generally relates to a particular country.

2. Individual DPs and STARs uploaded to sim web sites may be converted. However, sources for 767 PIC procedures are also at and which has a large collection of procedures (760 airports when I last viewed them).
SID/STAR Converter 3.01
About 2.2 Meg
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15 Aug 03. Version 3 adds the abiliy to convert to the FS02/FS04 PMDG 737NG.

16 Sep 03. Version 3.01 fixed a problem where some 767 PIC waypoints used an "*" as the first letter of a waypoint name. This caused an error in the 737. Fixed.